
2020年1月14日—Windows10MobilereceivesitsVERYlastOSupdate(Jan2020)...Afteramonth'sreprieve(!),Windows10Mobilereallydoesreceivetodayits ...,ThelastfeatureupdateistheFallCreatorsUpdate.ThelastversionofWindows10MobilereachedtheendoflifeonJanuary14,2020.DevelopmentforWindows10Mobilehascompletelyceasedsincethen.,SupportforWindows10MobileendedonJanuary14,2020.AsofNovember2021,Windows10Mobilehadapprox...

Windows 10 Mobile receives its VERY last OS update (Jan ...

2020年1月14日 — Windows 10 Mobile receives its VERY last OS update (Jan 2020) ... After a month's reprieve(!), Windows 10 Mobile really does receive today its ...

Windows 10 Mobile version history

The last feature update is the Fall Creators Update. The last version of Windows 10 Mobile reached the end of life on January 14, 2020. Development for Windows 10 Mobile has completely ceased since then.

Windows 10 Mobile

Support for Windows 10 Mobile ended on January 14, 2020. As of November 2021, Windows 10 Mobile had approximately a 0.01% share of the mobile operating system ...

January 14, 2020—KB4535289 Update for Windows 10 ...

2020年1月14日 — Windows 10 Mobile, version 1709 reached end of service on January 14, 2020. Devices running Windows 10 Mobile and Windows 10 Mobile Enterprise ...

Windows 10 行動裝置版終止支援:常見問題集

Windows 10 行動裝置版的現有更新是否繼續提供使用?可使用多久? 我們目前沒有計劃從Windows Update 移除Windows 10 行動裝置版歷史更新。 我仍然可以復原我的裝置 ...

Windows 10 Mobile End of Support

As of December 10, 2019, Windows 10 Mobile users are no longer eligible to receive new security updates, non-security hotfixes, free assisted support ...

How to install Win 10 mobile Jan 2020 build on old Lumia?

2021年2月15日 — I just updated my lumia 925 to 15063.15063 this way. Thanks! When I try to update via windows update now I get error code 0x80070273. Online ...